Living Waters
This is a very unsettling time. The Middle East could escalate into a conflagration with world-wide consequence far more serious then the price of gas. Provocation led to escalation then retaliation and so forth. This is happening not only on the world stage but in some of our communities as well. Misunderstandings can lead to alienation and it can seem like there’s no way back to a sense of kinship. Its not unusual for it to be generated by race or cultural dissonance, people whose thoughts, motives and behaviors seem outlandish and completely incongruent from our own sense of what’s rational especially when we all are under pressure. We become rigid, feeling righteous and in the right and that “they” are totally in the wrong.
So at this moment, putting some extra space in our lives for prayer is probably a good thing. Also taking time to smell the flowers, see the beauty and experience small pleasures. At a recent sunset I walked barefoot on the sandbars at the end of Doctor Lords Road. It was so wonderful! The softness of the sand and coolness of the water. It was a beautiful and powerful part of my current exploration and connecting experiences with Living Waters and this prayer came to me:
*Oh God and God of our ancestors please
*Open up our eyes that we may see your beauty and light
*Open our ears to hear the wisdom of your voice that is beyond perceived difference and ideology
*Open our mouth to drink the living water that we might heal and be spiritually clean
*Open our lips to declare your glory and open our minds to your Truth that transcends wrong and right
*Open our hearts to your Love and our hands to the work for justice that you’ve explicitly given us
*Open our arms to your mercy and forgiveness
*Open our souls to join joyfully with your eternal oneness
*And God if it is your will, open us up completely to your everlasting wholeness, your peace.
Given the world situation the most rational thing we can and should do is repair and make whole any of our spiritual communities that are in distress. Without each other we are like a single hair, sometimes splintered and very easy to break. But when we are braided together we become indestructible. I know that I want and am willing to work for communities where our hearts are bound together in love, communities that is ever ready to see the Spark within even during disagreements. I as one individual am more than willing to further reconciliations but it needs group effort. It needs leadership and commitment. It needs us together joyously embracing diversity and seeking the healing of the Living Waters. Often conflicts are described as matches lighting kindling. The question is how do we not get burned or at least not be consumed in the flames? God’s grace or living waters surround us even when we are amidst the fire. The pain is still there but the water is also and can be a source of comfort and strength. God’s living waters is also a vehicle for spiritual cleansing, biblically described as ritual purity. It can cleanse away what keeps us separate from God as well as each other. Living waters used to create a sense of purity however are not magical. They speak of intention. We still have to do the hard work ourselves. We will be judged more by our actions then our aspirations.
One way of seeing what is going on is that the ugliness in people at this time is having to rise to the surface, be exposed so that it can be cleared away. Once this is done then their/our Light can shine without the veils and walls and garbage we've built. This cleansing makes it possible for us to more fully connect with the Creator. It also allows us to build healthy community and come together to work toward respect and true peace. Perhaps it is simply a phase of our evolutionary process, a step to the next stage of spiritual perfection which is coming upon us now very fast.
How can we all be an outward, active part of the process of cleansing or healing? I think one way is to put forth a vision - a vision of wholeness, of healthy behavior, of inclusion, a vision of God's beauty. So I’ve asked myself, when am I feeling out of God’s presence the most? The answer was when I think poorly about someone, when I complain, when I feel burdened, when I act out of fear or old distress. This is my responsibility. What is yours?
Each and every one of us has a vital purpose and unique talent. However our Light is not necessarily going to speak to everyone, and everyone’s not necessarily to us. We all need to accept and let each other be the authentic people we are without expectation or demands, without hostility. Just because it doesn't resonant with us doesn't mean it has no value.
We need to build peaceful and spirit filled places for worship and study. The divides come in what that means, how that is defined and achieved for each individual. So what I think we can specifically do to resolve disputes is:
1. to stay strong in the Spirit, strong in following the path God’s has given us.
2. Disengage from confrontation; walk away when necessary, de-escalate.
3. Look inside ourselves and be willing to work on those places that create tension and respect others as they do their best with this work
4. keep open to the Light, God’s spark within everyone and the possibility of new ways of seeing
5. acknowledge our part in creating the problem and what we are willing to give for a solution
6. Keep our hearts holding compassion for everyone open to and for forgiveness
7. Stay and put out a positive and optimistic vision,
8. trust in God and keep ourselves connected to that complete source of goodness.
9. Wait for the teachable moments keeping ever hopeful and helpful
10. share what is on our hearts and be available to listen fully to what is in others,
11. be able to listen to the Spirit as it speaks to and through and as it guides each of us.
12. give full authority to this personal and communal process and experience of the Divine.
13. not give up on each other and not give up on God’s presence in the midst of the struggle.
It is up to us collectively to build spiritual communities not necessarily where everyone is of like mind but where everyone turns to God, waiting for clarity from this source when necessary with a willingness to let go of personal desires in favor of God's. It is up to us collectively, to build a group where everyone is welcome to join fully in this holy experience to use the full extent of their talents within the framework of faith, to be with each other, even those with whom we disagree, in our joys and sorrows, our fears and our triumphs.
Years ago I said “Love is the most powerful force in the universe, just as the gentlest stream will eventually erode the hardest rock so love will eventually soften the hardest heart.” I still believe it. This is one way of answering "to what is god calling us?” Another way of saying the same thing is "to be holy people": "to love the Lord with all our hearts and souls and might and to love each other as ourselves". We have a higher purpose. Its time we start living it. Can you honestly say that God is calling you to something different? If we seek that infinite spirit we will find a peace beyond words. Nothing else is better - nothing else really matters.
Lets use this as an opportunity to let go of any "us vs. them" thinking, work together for good.
Lets stay as grounded as we can in the Spirit.
Lets keep our hearts open.
Lets appreciate the abundant blessings that are all around each of us.
Lets visualize the cleansing power of Living Waters and the healing of our souls, healing of our hearts and healing of our communities and healing of the world.
Lets stay strong and trust in that Power. It will not let us down, of that I am certain.
And finally, lets be optimistic. I think its quite possible that we are here and now at this place because God has a purpose for us. What a wonderful thing! We could be the perfect people at the perfect time to bring the perfect solution,
God willing.
So be of good cheer,
- breathe in, breathe out, hold each other in the Light.
In search of that perfect Love and Light and place of peace,
"May the angel Michael; the strength and power of God be always at your right, may the angel Gabriel; the messenger of God be always on your left, and may Raphael; the healing power of God be always behind you. May Uriel; the Light of God always be before you and be your guide. And may above your head always be the Shechianah, the divine inner and outer presence of God surrounding and covering you with peace. For now and for ever, if it be God's will, let it be so" - for us all.
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