
one in One

Come get me

Sometime I hear it in Creator’s call to my soul
Sometimes I hear it in the pulse of my heart
Beyond death and life; beyond words and worlds
It is a passionate pursuit

Come get me

It is the cry of a lost homesick child
The impatience of an anticipating lover
It is full of longing and desire
It is full of hope; a great adventure

Come get me

With fear of rejection, of being unworthy
With humility and patience and contradictions
With forgiveness and gratitude
An invitation without conditions

Come get me

Playfully; knowing that life is all a game, there really is no separation
A romp in a Shakespearian Mid summers night
And laughter - sparkling eyes
A message on the wind, in a breath

Come get me

It speaks of wonder, the great dance
beyond all distinctions and divisions, race, class, whatever
A memory of bliss that has yet to happen
A promise of a reality that knows not past, present or future

Come get me

Forgetting any and every impediment
Nothing is more important
Not any thing, not any time, not any place, not any person
The time is now - only love

Come get me

It says take my hand on the path together
Of Beauty (Tiferet), of compassion (Chesed),
Of justice and strength (Gevurah), of wisdom (chokhman)
And of understanding (Binah)

Come get me

We will journey through the hidden place
To the great mystery (Keter),
Into eternity, being one in One without end (Ein Sof).
In pure and perfect peace and wholeness (Shalom)

Come get me

(Oh compassionate One, May you come to us, speedily and in our time. bimhayrah be'yameinu. Amen Selah)

[Rachel Carey-Harper; April 2007]