Hello Hyannis
I am here to share something I know true for myself and some things I just don't understand. First what I know on a soul level is that the Hebrew word Hineni, which means "here I am" is for me, the most important spiritual word. Like a child in school answering the teachers roll call we can be present, raise our hand and say to our Creator "Hineni, I am here, here in this moment, in this now, fully present and ready".
It is what Abraham said to G-d as he started his journey which began the Jewish people and the belief in one Supreme being. It is what Moses said at the burning bush before he spoke Truth to Pharaoh’s power and led the people out of slavery.
Hineni is also in Isaiah 6. Isaiah receives his prophetic calling when he hears God ask: "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" Isaiah stands up. "Hineni! Send me!" he says. Can we do this too even if it means confronting ourselves around our individual prejudices?
(Isaiah in verse 58 says “Is not this instead the kind of behavior acceptable to Spirit: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords, to set the oppressed free and break every chain? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— " to provide the poor wanderer with shelter hmmm
And this is where the things I don't understand come up. Given our human innate ability for compassion regardless of our particular beliefs, how is it that the current leadership of our Salvation Army makes the homeless feel unwelcome and sets up barriers for them instead of providing services with an open heart? How is it that the town of Yarmouth kicks people out of shelter at the beginning of winter with no sustainable, (and sustainable is the key word here) alternative? Who profits? How is it that our media is silent at the suicide in this complex brought on by despair at this eviction?
How is it that we have so, so very many people suffering and dying on the streets? Aren't we, in this, for better or worse, predominately Judeo-Christian country supposed to be our brothers and sisters keepers? What is preventing us from standing together like Moses and Abraham and Isaiah and say " here am I"?
If we can move whatever is in our way and raise our hand a door will open and Light will come into our lives and the world. Like this time of the solstice, Hannuka, Christmas, as the Light is reborn in the sky saying Hineni is perennial, like a weekly roll call. Stepping up we become more authentic human beings for Light does not fear Truth nor Truth fear the Light for the Light eradicates ignorance. Just so for us. Are we courageous enough to let go of even our cherished oblivion and blindness?
Isaiah 58 continues "when you see the naked clothe them, and do not to turn away from your own kin. Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and glory will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and you will be answered; God will say to you: Hineni."
This loving force can be here for us. All it takes is one simple word.