The Reason
Everything has a reason.
There may not be predestination, we do have free will,
some sort of reason could be behind everything,
a Being
a Name.
Maybe bringing a lesson for us,
maybe a test.
Or a training
or a forming as in hammering and heating steel into a plow.
Maybe it's an opportunity.
Maybe all the above combining to feel like
crisis "a combination of "danger" and "opportunity"
or an Emergency,
ency; indicating an action, state, condition, or quality
and so we
if we choose.
Finding the way, the righteous path can be difficult,
analogous to a dark tunnel,
light shinning ever so dimly above.
Things not as they seem.
Positive can be negative,
negative can be positive,
good and bad intertwine.
Its hard to know the motives of others
or self
in the material plane.
Truth can have many seemingly contradictory faces
especially when the 3Ps are involved,
power, property (money), or prestige.
The question is,
do we learn from seeming crisis
or rinse and repeat?
Creation in a sense is fractal,
many many reflections of the wholes
of Divine presence.
The same experience can be an equally important lesson
for a group
an individual,
selectively tailored to meet each's needs.
At present a presence presents a present.
Here and now the Divine essence is giving a gift.
Endless, eternal Reality,
transcendent, absolute Truth
erased the fictions
the contradictions.
There is perfect Clarity,
the Reason, if we choose.
If we choose hold hands
and allow this Light
to flow through us into the world.
There may not be predestination, we do have free will,
some sort of reason could be behind everything,
a Being
a Name.
Maybe bringing a lesson for us,
maybe a test.
Or a training
or a forming as in hammering and heating steel into a plow.
Maybe it's an opportunity.
Maybe all the above combining to feel like
crisis "a combination of "danger" and "opportunity"
or an Emergency,
ency; indicating an action, state, condition, or quality
and so we
if we choose.
Finding the way, the righteous path can be difficult,
analogous to a dark tunnel,
light shinning ever so dimly above.
Things not as they seem.
Positive can be negative,
negative can be positive,
good and bad intertwine.
Its hard to know the motives of others
or self
in the material plane.
Truth can have many seemingly contradictory faces
especially when the 3Ps are involved,
power, property (money), or prestige.
The question is,
do we learn from seeming crisis
or rinse and repeat?
Creation in a sense is fractal,
many many reflections of the wholes
of Divine presence.
The same experience can be an equally important lesson
for a group
an individual,
selectively tailored to meet each's needs.
At present a presence presents a present.
Here and now the Divine essence is giving a gift.
Endless, eternal Reality,
transcendent, absolute Truth
erased the fictions
the contradictions.
There is perfect Clarity,
the Reason, if we choose.
If we choose hold hands
and allow this Light
to flow through us into the world.
Are You Ready?
Are You Ready?
Ready for thee unexpected?
Perhaps a new success
Or failure,
Like the fortune cookie said,
Your hearts desire or
Thy spiritual awakening.
Fully conscious of the potential of our souls
Enlightenment, or a huge step in that direction.
A new year
The world, an unexpected wonder filed with
Unexpected beauty, joy and pure fun.
Worshipful New Year's eve at Mattapoisset Friends;
A pleasant drive with my best friends.
Along 6a lights in Sandwich,
Large figures of what a child called fairy lights;
A fireman with hose, another a wrench.
A family and a large heart.
A friend drops by,
The mystery unfolding
Light returns so quickly, amazing.
One week,
Flood lights in Eden’s parking at 5,
The next 4:30 still a faint sunset in the sky.
Those things that we are resigned to,
Not optimal but fine
Turn into an expected blessing
In a blink of the eye.
The light breaks through and then
Lights, camera, action.
Things are waiting
We are on hold
Waiting, then whoosh
Like a door being opened
Truth is reveled,
Nothing hidden
What if you or I got something major wrong?
What If they were right?
Can we be sure
If we have been fooling ourselves?
How will this Truth feel,
Will "oops, I'm sorry" work?
In life or death
Ready or not
Here we come
Or go.
But then total understanding,
A knowledge,
It's all okay,
At least with you.
You are Loved.
We are Loved.
Always have, always will be,
As it was in the beginning
Now and forever,
World without end.
So for 2014
May peace prevail and this new time of year
Be bright for everyone with renewed Light,
May our journey be free of fear
being Spirits that soar beyond the night
May things that need repair be repaired
With change happening as You will
May the struggle for justice be dared
With courage to climb that hill
May Joy and Beauty abound
May Peace encompass the earth
May Love be our fertile ground
And we be part of Your new birth
Ready for thee unexpected?
Perhaps a new success
Or failure,
Like the fortune cookie said,
Your hearts desire or
Thy spiritual awakening.
Fully conscious of the potential of our souls
Enlightenment, or a huge step in that direction.
A new year
The world, an unexpected wonder filed with
Unexpected beauty, joy and pure fun.
Worshipful New Year's eve at Mattapoisset Friends;
A pleasant drive with my best friends.
Along 6a lights in Sandwich,
Large figures of what a child called fairy lights;
A fireman with hose, another a wrench.
A family and a large heart.
A friend drops by,
The mystery unfolding
Light returns so quickly, amazing.
One week,
Flood lights in Eden’s parking at 5,
The next 4:30 still a faint sunset in the sky.
Those things that we are resigned to,
Not optimal but fine
Turn into an expected blessing
In a blink of the eye.
The light breaks through and then
Lights, camera, action.
Things are waiting
We are on hold
Waiting, then whoosh
Like a door being opened
Truth is reveled,
Nothing hidden
What if you or I got something major wrong?
What If they were right?
Can we be sure
If we have been fooling ourselves?
How will this Truth feel,
Will "oops, I'm sorry" work?
In life or death
Ready or not
Here we come
Or go.
But then total understanding,
A knowledge,
It's all okay,
At least with you.
You are Loved.
We are Loved.
Always have, always will be,
As it was in the beginning
Now and forever,
World without end.
So for 2014
May peace prevail and this new time of year
Be bright for everyone with renewed Light,
May our journey be free of fear
being Spirits that soar beyond the night
May things that need repair be repaired
With change happening as You will
May the struggle for justice be dared
With courage to climb that hill
May Joy and Beauty abound
May Peace encompass the earth
May Love be our fertile ground
And we be part of Your new birth
Imagine if you, were the Messiah, Moshiach, Moses
the Second Coming or the First,
the Mahdi, Maitreya (future Buddha of this world)
Kalki, Saoshyant (Zoroastrian brings the final renovation).
Yes you and likewise your neighbor.
Not to be crucified, only Love
made wholly holy, whole.
Think about it.
What if something clicked and seeing these words
you realize deep down, that spark within
you were, were truly truly the world's savior?
What would you do?
What would be suddenly unimportant and
What would you let go?
The petty squabbles, transitory pleasures,
possessions, comforts,
soap operas and sports whether live or televised?
Do we actually know who we really are?
Some part of us,
some essence
that cannot be reduced to any of the parts of the material world,
something that is immutable, that will not change
over time
or space?
Logically, one of two things is correct.
Either you are
or you are not.
For thousands of years everyone assumes we are not.
What if we are wrong
or asleep?
What if reading this is the catalyst
to wake you to your potential
latent responsibility as the One?
to hatch or birth a new way of being
Our soul's purpose
bringing Peace
beauty, joy, the Word
no racism, no power over, no "other"
To engage each other only in Love and Respect
Today, here and now
listen to that still small voice, calling
the soul's possibility
See, see the Light
that which existed before the sun
Something is already being built
inside the house of cards in which we think we currently exist
of global disasters, atrocities, catastrophes, political, environmental, mass destruction, massacres
a structure of which we all are an essential part.
Not based upon kings or queens, clubs or spades or diamonds
but connects through the heart
transcending, infinite and eternal all part of a whole
understanding that another person's suffering is really our own
and their brilliance and glory is also ours to share.
Imagine it,
Imagine you are the Messiah.
Imagine if you, were the Messiah, Moshiach, Moses
the Second Coming or the First,
the Mahdi, Maitreya (future Buddha of this world)
Kalki, Saoshyant (Zoroastrian brings the final renovation).
Yes you and likewise your neighbor.
Not to be crucified, only Love
made wholly holy, whole.
Think about it.
What if something clicked and seeing these words
you realize deep down, that spark within
you were, were truly truly the world's savior?
What would you do?
What would be suddenly unimportant and
What would you let go?
The petty squabbles, transitory pleasures,
possessions, comforts,
soap operas and sports whether live or televised?
Do we actually know who we really are?
Some part of us,
some essence
that cannot be reduced to any of the parts of the material world,
something that is immutable, that will not change
over time
or space?
Logically, one of two things is correct.
Either you are
or you are not.
For thousands of years everyone assumes we are not.
What if we are wrong
or asleep?
What if reading this is the catalyst
to wake you to your potential
latent responsibility as the One?
to hatch or birth a new way of being
Our soul's purpose
bringing Peace
beauty, joy, the Word
no racism, no power over, no "other"
To engage each other only in Love and Respect
Today, here and now
listen to that still small voice, calling
the soul's possibility
See, see the Light
that which existed before the sun
Something is already being built
inside the house of cards in which we think we currently exist
of global disasters, atrocities, catastrophes, political, environmental, mass destruction, massacres
a structure of which we all are an essential part.
Not based upon kings or queens, clubs or spades or diamonds
but connects through the heart
transcending, infinite and eternal all part of a whole
understanding that another person's suffering is really our own
and their brilliance and glory is also ours to share.
Imagine it,
Imagine you are the Messiah.
Each of us the One the world is waiting for.
Make believe
Who knows
what a wondrous world is being created?
Why not?
If not now, when?
Make believe
Who knows
what a wondrous world is being created?
Why not?
If not now, when?
~Rachel Carey-Harper 1/2/13
(picture of imagine rock and the door to Eden, Doctor Lords Rd. E.Dennis MA)
We are Perfection
We are Perfection
Among the wintergreen, taste reality.
Full moon, 5 wild turkeys,
salamanders, ants, spider webs,
owls, bald eagles, fish and insect
Perfect harmony.
Smell Oxygen,
Among the wintergreen, taste reality.
Full moon, 5 wild turkeys,
salamanders, ants, spider webs,
owls, bald eagles, fish and insect
Perfect harmony.
Smell Oxygen,
so many trees.
Embraced in only this
Forest, pristine,
Perfect solitude.
Universal music,
richer then the greatest symphony,
a feast
greater than the most succulent buffet.
flows over rocks,
in branches, notes and rests
Perfect timing.
A sun dappled face
sparkling pond
even at finest, such a poor substitution.
This is reality,
not the tv news,
the selling, the buying,
Cash flow vs the flow of Creation
Perfect divinity.
We Choose,
Every minute of every day.
Look around,
how could this magnificence
possibly fit in a room, or building
or one person.
Each and every one of us
Essence -- essential!
Glory, the highest
Perfection abounds.
Yes, sometimes it feels
impossible struggle,
just walking
through a blizzard with chances slim
Embraced in only this
Forest, pristine,
Perfect solitude.
Universal music,
richer then the greatest symphony,
a feast
greater than the most succulent buffet.
flows over rocks,
in branches, notes and rests
Perfect timing.
A sun dappled face
sparkling pond
even at finest, such a poor substitution.
This is reality,
not the tv news,
the selling, the buying,
Cash flow vs the flow of Creation
Perfect divinity.
We Choose,
Every minute of every day.
Look around,
how could this magnificence
possibly fit in a room, or building
or one person.
Each and every one of us
Essence -- essential!
Glory, the highest
Perfection abounds.
Yes, sometimes it feels
impossible struggle,
just walking
through a blizzard with chances slim
will make it home
But then, too difficult to pass
Why all the prejudice, oppression, Trouble?
Perfect harmony
The splendor,
Gifts Creator gives us
Sometimes we feel unworthy,
we say "oh no, no
I can't accept this".
Sometimes the opposite
we say "thanks
but what I really want and need is ..."
With every new gift comes responsibility.
Perfect service.
Just to be
Here and now
sufficient unto the day,
the hour,
the moment.
Nothing else
Perfect Love, Wholeness,
We are Perfection.
But then, too difficult to pass
Why all the prejudice, oppression, Trouble?
Perfect harmony
The splendor,
Gifts Creator gives us
Sometimes we feel unworthy,
we say "oh no, no
I can't accept this".
Sometimes the opposite
we say "thanks
but what I really want and need is ..."
With every new gift comes responsibility.
Perfect service.
Just to be
Here and now
sufficient unto the day,
the hour,
the moment.
Nothing else
Perfect Love, Wholeness,
We are Perfection.
Mount Monadnock 9/12/11 - 9/15/11 ~Rachel Carey-Harper
Oneness of All: a prayer
Prayer to try and bring out the best when feeling the worst.
Oh Lord please lift the shadows and darkness from the eyes of those
who hurt and destroy
so they can see the Truth and the consequences of their
their words,
their motives.
And Lord I beseech you to especially lift the shadow from my eyes as well.
Oh Lord please lift the terrible heaviness from my heart,
the grief and mourning
for all the loss and anguish
brought to the world.
And Lord I beseech you to especially lift the heaviness from the hearts of those on a destructive path.
Oh Lord please lift all that keeps each of us, our friends and those who oppose us,
separate from you so that we can
in your goodness
and bring harmony to our gorgeous planet.
And Lord I beseech you to especially lift this veil of disconnect so we put our complete trust in your infinite power, beauty;
Sensing the Oneness of All."
Oh Lord please lift the shadows and darkness from the eyes of those
who hurt and destroy
so they can see the Truth and the consequences of their
their words,
their motives.
And Lord I beseech you to especially lift the shadow from my eyes as well.
Oh Lord please lift the terrible heaviness from my heart,
the grief and mourning
for all the loss and anguish
brought to the world.
And Lord I beseech you to especially lift the heaviness from the hearts of those on a destructive path.
Oh Lord please lift all that keeps each of us, our friends and those who oppose us,
separate from you so that we can
in your goodness
and bring harmony to our gorgeous planet.
And Lord I beseech you to especially lift this veil of disconnect so we put our complete trust in your infinite power, beauty;
Sensing the Oneness of All."
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