On the physical plane if you walk into a dark room in the middle of the night with just one candle burning your eyes will be drawn to the flame. In fact you can't focus on anything else. On the other hand if you walk into a room full of light, something black is practically invisible. Theatrical people and magicians use this phenomenon all the time. On the spiritual and emotional level it is exactly the opposite. In the places of light in someone else it is so easy to see a spot of shadow material and it is extremely hard not to focus on it. On the other hand in the places that are in the deepest shadow it is almost impossible to see anything of the light.
In one way or another, spiritual people are instructed to answer that of God in each other. We are called to see the spark not only when its readily apparent but in the bad places and also see the light that surrounds the soul even though there is a spot of imperfection. This does not mean that we ignore or collude with each other's wickedness. Rather, keeping mindful of the inner light, we can help each other come to terms with these parts of ourselves and keep ourselves open as others labor with us.
The only way we can be truly illuminated in this is with love and without ego. As soon as we are doing the work out of a belief that we are more righteous or to prove ourselves or to protect ourselves or the status quo against change, we are lost. The motivation, the cause for this work, must be only love and the desired effect must likewise be simply love: a deep caring for one another. Struggle is a wonderful opportunity to realize our highest potential. We reconnect with that universal source of peace, wholeness, love and light.
This is all well and good to say but how can this be accomplished especially in the face of large and often emotional upheavals. As spiritual beings we have several powerful tools at our disposal. We can know that G-d is always with us and we will be accepted if we join with and dedicate ourselves with this force. This source of goodness was with the biblical Jacob and his sons after they did truly despicable, sacrilegious things yet it is explicitly clear that God was still with them. Just so, this Presence is always with us as well. From Genesis (35:1) "God said to Jacob" (God is with us). It then lays out instructions for how to make spiritual amends:
1. go to the place of God and stay there, honor the holiness
2. rid yourself of alien ideas, everything that keeps us from holiness
3. purify and recommit ourselves
4. turn ourselves around (changing clothes).
Once we take those steps the covenant is renewed even stronger than before (35:9).
It is during our most troubled times that faith and our lives as holy people is tested. During these times we can moan and groan about this awful burden, we can focus on the trauma and personalize it, "so and so did such and such.." or we can seize the future and make the most of our lives. Jacob sends his favorite son Joseph to check up on his brothers who sell him into slavery. Joseph could easily have sunk into a "poor me", "evil brothers" emotional state but instead he looks forward and makes the most out of his life and surroundings. In the end he saves all his family and people. He is G-d's solution. This can be our choice as well.
For my part I can try to keep what I put out into the world and interpersonal interactions positive, loving and spiritual centered. All I (and maybe any of us) can do is be and behave in a good, faithful way, moving forward to the best of our ability with beauty, love and peace ("walking cheerfully over the earth answering that of God in everyone") and leave the final outcome to God.
What is the purpose to our lives? Sometimes its easier to see a purpose when looking backwards. Is there a pattern? Are we retreading the paths we have walked before with little improvement? Maybe ultimately there is a purpose to everything in that there are always opportunities to learn lessons if we just open our eyes; opportunities to make decisions that allow us to gain wisdom and positively impact the world.
When or if we reach the threshold to whatever our concept of that perfect place beyond the material world, we can look back and maybe it seems as a prelude to something; for me a jumping off into the sea of goodness, rational thinking, sparkilyness of light and love. Then all the past can have a higher spiritual purpose even family discord, hard though that is to imagine. If it wasn't for intense sibling rivalry both between sisters ( Leah and Rachel) as well as brothers (Jacob and Esau), there would be no 12 tribes of Israel, no Jewish people (at least not as today).
Whoever we are, at times we can even find purpose and a blessing in the most challenging parts of life. In those times of isolation, shame, of feeling unworthy or longing for softness rather then a pillow of stone maybe our only choice is to look up. There, after the struggle we can see ourselves with all our flaws but with the readiness to change. Our lives reveal and revel in a higher purpose, a life of service to something far greater than ourselves. Do we have anything better to do?
When or if we reach the threshold to whatever our concept of that perfect place beyond the material world, we can look back and maybe it seems as a prelude to something; for me a jumping off into the sea of goodness, rational thinking, sparkilyness of light and love. Then all the past can have a higher spiritual purpose even family discord, hard though that is to imagine. If it wasn't for intense sibling rivalry both between sisters ( Leah and Rachel) as well as brothers (Jacob and Esau), there would be no 12 tribes of Israel, no Jewish people (at least not as today).
Whoever we are, at times we can even find purpose and a blessing in the most challenging parts of life. In those times of isolation, shame, of feeling unworthy or longing for softness rather then a pillow of stone maybe our only choice is to look up. There, after the struggle we can see ourselves with all our flaws but with the readiness to change. Our lives reveal and revel in a higher purpose, a life of service to something far greater than ourselves. Do we have anything better to do?
From worship and study
The idea of catalyst has been with me for a while. It came to mind when I heard a story from the Zohar about a person who was deeply grieving the death of his much adored teacher. He comes to believe that his teacher’s light would not perish in death and starts to fast in order to connect with this source of wisdom. He fasts and he fasts until he sees a vision and is told what a person has to do in order to ascend to the highest sphere of spiritual awareness. The grief was a catalyst or channel for the realization. The realization was a catalyst for the fast which was a catalyst for the vision. Every choice we make has potential to be a channel. The question is whether we make choices to encourage the catalysts that fosters love. The Kabbalah text states that in order to reach the higher spheres we must work “to turn darkness to light, bitterness to sweetness”. We are told that every day we need to be expectantly waiting for a world of wholeness and peace.
In my experience, prayer is one of the most powerful catalysts for this although not often as I intend. Sometimes things seem hopeless, it seems that it would take a marvelous event manifesting a supernatural act of God to bring a good outcome. Faith can be so hard to keep when things seem to go wrong but miracles do happen all the time. As I thought about what a miracle if it would be if I was able to fulfill what I think is G-d’s purpose for my existence, I realized that up to now my life has actually been full of miracles; three near death experiences, severe poverty, homelessness, gross naiveté (or stupidity). Then I realized that most people (soldiers and civilians) in a war zone have near death experiences. Many people live lives that are miraculous, mine is far from unique.
Even knowing this there are realities to being alive in this material sphere. There is pain and grief, longing and loneness that can be overwhelming even (or especially) at those times when culturally we are supposed to be happy like birthdays and holidays and Thanksgiving. My Ed recently heard a man who was autistic talking about how he runs programs in his life; when he needs a meal he runs his “cooking program” and if he notices he is kind of glum he runs his “happy program”. What a good idea. This season has been sad for me being the first without my mother for important occasions but while I might not be able to make happy I can run my “its all okay” program.
As I thought about my mother my mind turned to other ancestors. I realized I have a great deal for which to be grateful. They were all such special people. I read stories or look at pictures of them and I feel connected. But they are just stories of ordinary human beings living extraordinary (and sometimes contradictory) lives. The are just images. I miss those I knew on this level of existence but know that there is a different sphere where my mother still sparkles. Here I find a peace beyond words and light and sweetness. I touch love and feel completely at home at last.
In my experience, prayer is one of the most powerful catalysts for this although not often as I intend. Sometimes things seem hopeless, it seems that it would take a marvelous event manifesting a supernatural act of God to bring a good outcome. Faith can be so hard to keep when things seem to go wrong but miracles do happen all the time. As I thought about what a miracle if it would be if I was able to fulfill what I think is G-d’s purpose for my existence, I realized that up to now my life has actually been full of miracles; three near death experiences, severe poverty, homelessness, gross naiveté (or stupidity). Then I realized that most people (soldiers and civilians) in a war zone have near death experiences. Many people live lives that are miraculous, mine is far from unique.
Even knowing this there are realities to being alive in this material sphere. There is pain and grief, longing and loneness that can be overwhelming even (or especially) at those times when culturally we are supposed to be happy like birthdays and holidays and Thanksgiving. My Ed recently heard a man who was autistic talking about how he runs programs in his life; when he needs a meal he runs his “cooking program” and if he notices he is kind of glum he runs his “happy program”. What a good idea. This season has been sad for me being the first without my mother for important occasions but while I might not be able to make happy I can run my “its all okay” program.
As I thought about my mother my mind turned to other ancestors. I realized I have a great deal for which to be grateful. They were all such special people. I read stories or look at pictures of them and I feel connected. But they are just stories of ordinary human beings living extraordinary (and sometimes contradictory) lives. The are just images. I miss those I knew on this level of existence but know that there is a different sphere where my mother still sparkles. Here I find a peace beyond words and light and sweetness. I touch love and feel completely at home at last.
Afterthought from Torah Study 1:20:1
This week the section of Torah that we studied was at least on the surface, particularly difficult to find a spiritual lesson. Abraham and Sarah are traveling in hostile territory and he has her represent their relationship as brother and sister because he feels he will be safer. She is taken by a king named Abimelech. God speaks to Abimelech in a dream telling him not to touch Sarah because she’s another man’s wife and if he disobeys he will die.
One thing a lot of these kind of stories tell us is how the prophets were so very human. Another thing this narrative seemed to be about is how fear can inhibit us from leading spiritually faithful lives and the various test that await us along the way. While this is true, as I thought a little longer; a little deeper something else came to me. I started at the last part we read. Sarah becomes pregnant with Abraham’s and her first (and only) child. She gives birth to the baby God has told her she will bear (even though she is in her 90’s). Why did this happen then? Why not months before or months later?
What occurred to me was that maybe promises that are made on the spiritual plane need some sort of catalyst to be executed in the material world. Just before Sarah conceives, Abraham prays for the health of Abimelech and his court and the women become pregnant. So maybe this is the catalyst, praying for someone else what you are wishing for yourself.
However if it was simply that then it too could have happened earlier. The difference was that Abraham was praying for the health of someone who he had offended and wronged (in assuming Abimelech would behave unethically and letting him go down that path unimpeded). And as Abimelech did take Sarah he wronged Abraham as well. It would have been so easy for Abraham to get defensive, angry and resentful, perhaps even guilty and anger with himself as it was God who stood up for Sarah not him. Instead he opened his heart and his connection with God on Abimelech’s behalf. Maybe this was the catalyst. It’s about being a part of, a channel for divine love not simply when its easy but in the harder relationships as well.
In my prayer life one of the primary things I desire is the miracle of, as lowly as I am, having the ability, courage and opportunity to fulfill an important purpose for God. So in stumbling in Abraham’s footsteps my prayer is for everyone, those I am close to and especially those with whom there is trouble, for the miracle of them being able to live a life that is actively following and fulfilling God’s important purpose for their unique selves, living lives that are rich in all creative goodness, happiness and God’s power.
How can I/we become catalysts? When in full measure without regard to distress we walk a purposeful path of love and beauty and pray this for others as well. In this way we all become part of the One Whole Holy Self. 1+1=1
One thing a lot of these kind of stories tell us is how the prophets were so very human. Another thing this narrative seemed to be about is how fear can inhibit us from leading spiritually faithful lives and the various test that await us along the way. While this is true, as I thought a little longer; a little deeper something else came to me. I started at the last part we read. Sarah becomes pregnant with Abraham’s and her first (and only) child. She gives birth to the baby God has told her she will bear (even though she is in her 90’s). Why did this happen then? Why not months before or months later?
What occurred to me was that maybe promises that are made on the spiritual plane need some sort of catalyst to be executed in the material world. Just before Sarah conceives, Abraham prays for the health of Abimelech and his court and the women become pregnant. So maybe this is the catalyst, praying for someone else what you are wishing for yourself.
However if it was simply that then it too could have happened earlier. The difference was that Abraham was praying for the health of someone who he had offended and wronged (in assuming Abimelech would behave unethically and letting him go down that path unimpeded). And as Abimelech did take Sarah he wronged Abraham as well. It would have been so easy for Abraham to get defensive, angry and resentful, perhaps even guilty and anger with himself as it was God who stood up for Sarah not him. Instead he opened his heart and his connection with God on Abimelech’s behalf. Maybe this was the catalyst. It’s about being a part of, a channel for divine love not simply when its easy but in the harder relationships as well.
In my prayer life one of the primary things I desire is the miracle of, as lowly as I am, having the ability, courage and opportunity to fulfill an important purpose for God. So in stumbling in Abraham’s footsteps my prayer is for everyone, those I am close to and especially those with whom there is trouble, for the miracle of them being able to live a life that is actively following and fulfilling God’s important purpose for their unique selves, living lives that are rich in all creative goodness, happiness and God’s power.
How can I/we become catalysts? When in full measure without regard to distress we walk a purposeful path of love and beauty and pray this for others as well. In this way we all become part of the One Whole Holy Self. 1+1=1

What was important to early Friends was the personal experience of the inner light. George Fox said to clergy or others using literal biblical text to substantiate a religious argument ”I know what it sayeth but what does thou sayeth”. For Quakers it is all about the experiential dimension of spiritual awareness; that experience of epiphany. We cultivate this not just at rare moments but hold the real possibility of a continuous opening to this source of revelation, this most intimate part of ourselves.
One aspect of the human condition is that often in order to experience something we have to first learn or develop skills. You can’t experience the Internet unless you first learned how to run a computer. It is the work we do throughout each day of meditation or study that leads to the ability to fully open. This activity also has the benefit of moving us to being in harmony with the world and our destiny. So, as we grow more and more, the seemingly random moments in our lives can become transcendent and significant in making the world a better place, miracles happen.
Eyes that are closed cannot see the material world. Hearts that are close can not seen the spiritual light. No one else can open them for us. Its up to each human being whether or not to be a holy people. Whether of not to be ready to hear as God said to Abraham “fear not I am a shield to you“ and rest in the place of oneness, love and peace. It is waiting for us.
(the above image was found shortly after this was written in a secluded spot in the middle of the woods)
Over and over again I'm getting the same message. This ongoing repetition is very unusual for me and it makes the concept of 1+1=1 more and more immediate.
The most recent lesson is about Adam and Eve. "And the serpent said to the woman (the Hebrew says Adam was there with her), "as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God who knows good and bad." What is it that they are going to lose by eating this fruit? Some say a state of innocence, the belief that everything is good. An additional idea is that they lost the sense of unity and entered the world of duality. Suddenly there is good and bad, wrong and right, birth and death. Their egos materialize and they feel self-consciousness and shame. This begins our journey.
In thinking about this I was reminded of the Ouroborus. Many, many diverse cultures have this image of a snake in a circle biting its tail. It is a symbol of the eternal unity of all things, the cycle of birth and death. The Ouroborus can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, circa 1600 BC and the Ouroborus called the Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra encloses the words hen to pan "one, the all", i.e. "All is One". Its black-and-white halves represent the duality of existence.
God can see the duality but understands it within unity being the larger, total truth. It should be noted that being like something is not stating that one is something. While God might know and understand duality it is within a context, a framework whose sole existence is wholeness. As humans we can at best have only the most rudimentary understanding of this concept hence we enter the world of duality and ego and it is all we understand as reality.
At birth we start the journey in unity and cross into duality. We are born in innocence and wholeness, our egos separate and we go through life in the state of duality; me - you, until we come back again to the source. This is true on an individual basis and also as a species: circular journeys. At some point this road will near completion and it will be like a circle coming back to that place of oneness. In the world to come we are told that it will be a time of perfect peace and oneness, of Shalom. It is just around the bend.
The most recent lesson is about Adam and Eve. "And the serpent said to the woman (the Hebrew says Adam was there with her), "as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God who knows good and bad." What is it that they are going to lose by eating this fruit? Some say a state of innocence, the belief that everything is good. An additional idea is that they lost the sense of unity and entered the world of duality. Suddenly there is good and bad, wrong and right, birth and death. Their egos materialize and they feel self-consciousness and shame. This begins our journey.
In thinking about this I was reminded of the Ouroborus. Many, many diverse cultures have this image of a snake in a circle biting its tail. It is a symbol of the eternal unity of all things, the cycle of birth and death. The Ouroborus can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, circa 1600 BC and the Ouroborus called the Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra encloses the words hen to pan "one, the all", i.e. "All is One". Its black-and-white halves represent the duality of existence.
God can see the duality but understands it within unity being the larger, total truth. It should be noted that being like something is not stating that one is something. While God might know and understand duality it is within a context, a framework whose sole existence is wholeness. As humans we can at best have only the most rudimentary understanding of this concept hence we enter the world of duality and ego and it is all we understand as reality.
At birth we start the journey in unity and cross into duality. We are born in innocence and wholeness, our egos separate and we go through life in the state of duality; me - you, until we come back again to the source. This is true on an individual basis and also as a species: circular journeys. At some point this road will near completion and it will be like a circle coming back to that place of oneness. In the world to come we are told that it will be a time of perfect peace and oneness, of Shalom. It is just around the bend.
This week we finished the book of Deuteronomy ready to start the cycle over again. Moses is about to die and in a final farewell gives words of praise, assessment and destiny to each of the tribes of Israel before they cross the river Jordon. As the crossroads of three continents it is natural that this is a place of tension. Perhaps just so with a spiritual life there are tests about whether or not we can hold our hearts in the right place amid the turmoil of life.
In my life this seems like just where I’ve been standing this last week, on the cusp of entering a promised land. There has been so much beauty all around me, so much joy, bliss, so much gratitude, forgiveness, so much wisdom and understanding, so much peace and love and light. Feeling that unending love makes it so very real. The lesson from my time on the mountain of simply 1+1=1 with 1 being pure love stays with me. The experience that most of us go through our life with of separation of "us" "them" that 1+1=2 is an illusion, like a game. The recent adventure held me in this space for a 36 hour stretch and for the first time I was flying solo. It was quite a experience, one I am intending to repeat. It feels like I am developing the skill to enter and leave the game at will rather then being caught up in it as if it was reality. It feels extraordinarily empowering.
The Israelites journeyed forty year in a circle to come back pretty much to where they started yet they were radically changed. Just so for me. I felt myself like a souring bird. so much in love, so much embraced in light. On my walk after class I saw ahead of me a large house like a palace rather then a landscape. Why? What is there for me? What is there for us? I’ve felt like I am standing on a threshold. Perhaps it isn’t only me. The nature of our world at the moment would seem that this could be true on a global scale. Disease, war, natural disasters and unrecoverable degradation, energy supply and demand, global food supply grown with genetically modified seeds so they can’t naturally reproduce but have to be bought every year. Whether we are or we are entering an unprecedented world wide struggle to survive or not it doesn’t hurt to listen and be spiritually prepared.
In this Torah portion Moses tells each their blessing and their failing. Here today it is useful to consider; what are our blessings and where are our stumbling blocks so that when we cross over we as Benjamin will be “beloved of God” and as Joseph “blessed of God be his land… with the best from the ancient mountains” as from Mt Monadnock I remain in a the best state I’ve ever felt; a state of grace. It’s there for everyone.
In my life this seems like just where I’ve been standing this last week, on the cusp of entering a promised land. There has been so much beauty all around me, so much joy, bliss, so much gratitude, forgiveness, so much wisdom and understanding, so much peace and love and light. Feeling that unending love makes it so very real. The lesson from my time on the mountain of simply 1+1=1 with 1 being pure love stays with me. The experience that most of us go through our life with of separation of "us" "them" that 1+1=2 is an illusion, like a game. The recent adventure held me in this space for a 36 hour stretch and for the first time I was flying solo. It was quite a experience, one I am intending to repeat. It feels like I am developing the skill to enter and leave the game at will rather then being caught up in it as if it was reality. It feels extraordinarily empowering.
The Israelites journeyed forty year in a circle to come back pretty much to where they started yet they were radically changed. Just so for me. I felt myself like a souring bird. so much in love, so much embraced in light. On my walk after class I saw ahead of me a large house like a palace rather then a landscape. Why? What is there for me? What is there for us? I’ve felt like I am standing on a threshold. Perhaps it isn’t only me. The nature of our world at the moment would seem that this could be true on a global scale. Disease, war, natural disasters and unrecoverable degradation, energy supply and demand, global food supply grown with genetically modified seeds so they can’t naturally reproduce but have to be bought every year. Whether we are or we are entering an unprecedented world wide struggle to survive or not it doesn’t hurt to listen and be spiritually prepared.
In this Torah portion Moses tells each their blessing and their failing. Here today it is useful to consider; what are our blessings and where are our stumbling blocks so that when we cross over we as Benjamin will be “beloved of God” and as Joseph “blessed of God be his land… with the best from the ancient mountains” as from Mt Monadnock I remain in a the best state I’ve ever felt; a state of grace. It’s there for everyone.
Reflections from the mountain
As I left on the adventure of camping for 3-4 days by myself on Mount Monadnock the biblical passage "you shall be holy because I am holy" surfaced again and again. The following is what came to me during this time of prayerful contemplation.
Reflections from the mountain:
"You shall be holy because I am holy". It says "shall" - future tense, not past or present and it is a command, a requirement. Although that essence of holiness is really who we are each and every moment, how do we manifest this in everyday reality? What can we do to make this truly and exclusively present in our lives - in who we are and in what we see? How do we do this not just for the moments we find to pray but hold holiness, an inner sense of total bliss, within and around us and have all our actions conform to this state of grace; to be truly holy people? Biblically it was through sacrifice; in Hebrew, korban. Korban means to draw close. As we go through our everyday lives we make choices. Most choices are sacrifices, one path is sacrificed for the other. Are these choices for our personal benefit? Are they to make our lives easier? Are they for societal norms? Or are they in order for us to draw close to God? It is your choice whether to stay in the place of centered, calm peace; to feel simply a part of the God's oneness and love and happiness to stay in holiness or let the currents of trouble and distress carry you away.
All wisdom has already been given - over and over and over again. There is nothing new to be imparted. The highest form of wisdom is all around. Stop, look and listen. Open the mind to it and it will flood in. Open the heart to it and be embraced by God.
Why make it so complicated? It is as simple as one plus one equals one.
Each of us has a purpose a destiny. We have a myth that is our job to make right and whole; to mend. In this way we meld ourself to God and God's plan. There are no coincidences. It's right in front of us, plain as day the task for each of us, the other people with whom we are connected in the story of our soul. Time is fleeting, our beloved awaits. How can you turn away and think holiness infinite happiness is not for you? Do not deny the love in your heart, the love of your life, the love of your soul.
Do not be over concerned about people who can't hear or see. Bring them along as best as you can but do not blame yourself if they don't get it. Life is what you choose to make it. Everyone has free choice. This camping trip could be described accurately as cold and wet or awesomely beautiful and beyond words inspiring. Just as it is your right to make your choices so it is with others. It is not your concern what others decided to make of their lives. That's between themselves and Creator. If people with whom you think you are connected turn away, do not worry. When one door is shut another opens. The myths span human history and can play out in a wide variety or ways and with a wide variety of individuals. You are but dust in the wind, nothing more except that of God.
Stop denying me - everything, everything is possible where love is concerned.
"Nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war no more". When shall this occur? It will happen when leaders or everyone else understand that 1+1=1. This is why war, racism, homelessness, all oppression, all man make trouble makes no sense. 1+1=1. There is none else.
You don't believe me? Test it. You go up; travel higher and higher and then you will know. Study the sacred texts, learn from those who have gone before, do good deeds it will bring you to the place of understanding. 1+1=1
Enjoy the world and all of its diverse splendor. Its there for you. You are loved by an unending love.
1+1=1, 1+1+1+1+1+1+1...=1 - God is love, that's all it is about. All earth bound love is just a tiny, tiny spark of this infinite source. It is our job to bring this, to manifest it in the world. - Love - Some people get confused. They think that if they love someone other then their spouse they are being unfaithful. But, adultery is about lust not love. Its about dishonoring a pledge. Lust (which includes hunger for many things in the material world, things other then of the spirit) and love are as different as the light is from the darkness. Since all real love is a spark of the eternal love, all expressions of this love strengthens the essential bonds between married people. There is a theological question, "if a man's wife dies and he marries another to which is he bonded in the world to come"? That pure spark of love that he has for both, that both have for him is the only pure reflection. (1+1)+(1+1) still equals 1. These sparks unite with all the others carried by the soul into infinite oneness. When souls unite in this place, whether in this world or the world to come, they are all fulfilled. All expressions of divine love is acceptable. Denial is not. Do not be fooled by lust or obligation, distrust or disillusionment or the times you have been hurt. Rather look to where the light is shinning. There you will find that for which your soul is really yearning. There you will find yourself centered and joined with pure love and peace.
We move through our lives like a body through the woods on a sunny day. Sometimes we pass through shadow of the trees sometime into the light of the sun. Even when we stand in one place the wind can cast upon us shadows from the leaves or blow them to the side to admit the light. It is all for the good. We move in and out until we find our place of rest. There I come into a grove of light that is so beyond the brightness of the sun that when I close my eyes it is too strong and I have to open them again lest I go blind.
What does it profit you to live a life according to what other people say is the law of God if in doing so you turn away from the Truth God is speaking to your own heart. In the end you will see that there is no contradiction. We have all the knowledge we need. 1+1+1=1. Understand this and "you shall be holy because I am holy".
I left home saying the camping trip was going to be an adventure and so it was. Just so I left the trip thinking that is true of life as well. It is all one big adventure.
Reflections from the mountain:
"You shall be holy because I am holy". It says "shall" - future tense, not past or present and it is a command, a requirement. Although that essence of holiness is really who we are each and every moment, how do we manifest this in everyday reality? What can we do to make this truly and exclusively present in our lives - in who we are and in what we see? How do we do this not just for the moments we find to pray but hold holiness, an inner sense of total bliss, within and around us and have all our actions conform to this state of grace; to be truly holy people? Biblically it was through sacrifice; in Hebrew, korban. Korban means to draw close. As we go through our everyday lives we make choices. Most choices are sacrifices, one path is sacrificed for the other. Are these choices for our personal benefit? Are they to make our lives easier? Are they for societal norms? Or are they in order for us to draw close to God? It is your choice whether to stay in the place of centered, calm peace; to feel simply a part of the God's oneness and love and happiness to stay in holiness or let the currents of trouble and distress carry you away.
All wisdom has already been given - over and over and over again. There is nothing new to be imparted. The highest form of wisdom is all around. Stop, look and listen. Open the mind to it and it will flood in. Open the heart to it and be embraced by God.
Why make it so complicated? It is as simple as one plus one equals one.
Each of us has a purpose a destiny. We have a myth that is our job to make right and whole; to mend. In this way we meld ourself to God and God's plan. There are no coincidences. It's right in front of us, plain as day the task for each of us, the other people with whom we are connected in the story of our soul. Time is fleeting, our beloved awaits. How can you turn away and think holiness infinite happiness is not for you? Do not deny the love in your heart, the love of your life, the love of your soul.
Do not be over concerned about people who can't hear or see. Bring them along as best as you can but do not blame yourself if they don't get it. Life is what you choose to make it. Everyone has free choice. This camping trip could be described accurately as cold and wet or awesomely beautiful and beyond words inspiring. Just as it is your right to make your choices so it is with others. It is not your concern what others decided to make of their lives. That's between themselves and Creator. If people with whom you think you are connected turn away, do not worry. When one door is shut another opens. The myths span human history and can play out in a wide variety or ways and with a wide variety of individuals. You are but dust in the wind, nothing more except that of God.
Stop denying me - everything, everything is possible where love is concerned.
"Nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war no more". When shall this occur? It will happen when leaders or everyone else understand that 1+1=1. This is why war, racism, homelessness, all oppression, all man make trouble makes no sense. 1+1=1. There is none else.
You don't believe me? Test it. You go up; travel higher and higher and then you will know. Study the sacred texts, learn from those who have gone before, do good deeds it will bring you to the place of understanding. 1+1=1
Enjoy the world and all of its diverse splendor. Its there for you. You are loved by an unending love.
1+1=1, 1+1+1+1+1+1+1...=1 - God is love, that's all it is about. All earth bound love is just a tiny, tiny spark of this infinite source. It is our job to bring this, to manifest it in the world. - Love - Some people get confused. They think that if they love someone other then their spouse they are being unfaithful. But, adultery is about lust not love. Its about dishonoring a pledge. Lust (which includes hunger for many things in the material world, things other then of the spirit) and love are as different as the light is from the darkness. Since all real love is a spark of the eternal love, all expressions of this love strengthens the essential bonds between married people. There is a theological question, "if a man's wife dies and he marries another to which is he bonded in the world to come"? That pure spark of love that he has for both, that both have for him is the only pure reflection. (1+1)+(1+1) still equals 1. These sparks unite with all the others carried by the soul into infinite oneness. When souls unite in this place, whether in this world or the world to come, they are all fulfilled. All expressions of divine love is acceptable. Denial is not. Do not be fooled by lust or obligation, distrust or disillusionment or the times you have been hurt. Rather look to where the light is shinning. There you will find that for which your soul is really yearning. There you will find yourself centered and joined with pure love and peace.
We move through our lives like a body through the woods on a sunny day. Sometimes we pass through shadow of the trees sometime into the light of the sun. Even when we stand in one place the wind can cast upon us shadows from the leaves or blow them to the side to admit the light. It is all for the good. We move in and out until we find our place of rest. There I come into a grove of light that is so beyond the brightness of the sun that when I close my eyes it is too strong and I have to open them again lest I go blind.
What does it profit you to live a life according to what other people say is the law of God if in doing so you turn away from the Truth God is speaking to your own heart. In the end you will see that there is no contradiction. We have all the knowledge we need. 1+1+1=1. Understand this and "you shall be holy because I am holy".
I left home saying the camping trip was going to be an adventure and so it was. Just so I left the trip thinking that is true of life as well. It is all one big adventure.
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