This week we finished the book of Deuteronomy ready to start the cycle over again. Moses is about to die and in a final farewell gives words of praise, assessment and destiny to each of the tribes of Israel before they cross the river Jordon. As the crossroads of three continents it is natural that this is a place of tension. Perhaps just so with a spiritual life there are tests about whether or not we can hold our hearts in the right place amid the turmoil of life.
In my life this seems like just where I’ve been standing this last week, on the cusp of entering a promised land. There has been so much beauty all around me, so much joy, bliss, so much gratitude, forgiveness, so much wisdom and understanding, so much peace and love and light. Feeling that unending love makes it so very real. The lesson from my time on the mountain of simply 1+1=1 with 1 being pure love stays with me. The experience that most of us go through our life with of separation of "us" "them" that 1+1=2 is an illusion, like a game. The recent adventure held me in this space for a 36 hour stretch and for the first time I was flying solo. It was quite a experience, one I am intending to repeat. It feels like I am developing the skill to enter and leave the game at will rather then being caught up in it as if it was reality. It feels extraordinarily empowering.
The Israelites journeyed forty year in a circle to come back pretty much to where they started yet they were radically changed. Just so for me. I felt myself like a souring bird. so much in love, so much embraced in light. On my walk after class I saw ahead of me a large house like a palace rather then a landscape. Why? What is there for me? What is there for us? I’ve felt like I am standing on a threshold. Perhaps it isn’t only me. The nature of our world at the moment would seem that this could be true on a global scale. Disease, war, natural disasters and unrecoverable degradation, energy supply and demand, global food supply grown with genetically modified seeds so they can’t naturally reproduce but have to be bought every year. Whether we are or we are entering an unprecedented world wide struggle to survive or not it doesn’t hurt to listen and be spiritually prepared.
In this Torah portion Moses tells each their blessing and their failing. Here today it is useful to consider; what are our blessings and where are our stumbling blocks so that when we cross over we as Benjamin will be “beloved of God” and as Joseph “blessed of God be his land… with the best from the ancient mountains” as from Mt Monadnock I remain in a the best state I’ve ever felt; a state of grace. It’s there for everyone.
Reflections from the mountain
As I left on the adventure of camping for 3-4 days by myself on Mount Monadnock the biblical passage "you shall be holy because I am holy" surfaced again and again. The following is what came to me during this time of prayerful contemplation.
Reflections from the mountain:
"You shall be holy because I am holy". It says "shall" - future tense, not past or present and it is a command, a requirement. Although that essence of holiness is really who we are each and every moment, how do we manifest this in everyday reality? What can we do to make this truly and exclusively present in our lives - in who we are and in what we see? How do we do this not just for the moments we find to pray but hold holiness, an inner sense of total bliss, within and around us and have all our actions conform to this state of grace; to be truly holy people? Biblically it was through sacrifice; in Hebrew, korban. Korban means to draw close. As we go through our everyday lives we make choices. Most choices are sacrifices, one path is sacrificed for the other. Are these choices for our personal benefit? Are they to make our lives easier? Are they for societal norms? Or are they in order for us to draw close to God? It is your choice whether to stay in the place of centered, calm peace; to feel simply a part of the God's oneness and love and happiness to stay in holiness or let the currents of trouble and distress carry you away.
All wisdom has already been given - over and over and over again. There is nothing new to be imparted. The highest form of wisdom is all around. Stop, look and listen. Open the mind to it and it will flood in. Open the heart to it and be embraced by God.
Why make it so complicated? It is as simple as one plus one equals one.
Each of us has a purpose a destiny. We have a myth that is our job to make right and whole; to mend. In this way we meld ourself to God and God's plan. There are no coincidences. It's right in front of us, plain as day the task for each of us, the other people with whom we are connected in the story of our soul. Time is fleeting, our beloved awaits. How can you turn away and think holiness infinite happiness is not for you? Do not deny the love in your heart, the love of your life, the love of your soul.
Do not be over concerned about people who can't hear or see. Bring them along as best as you can but do not blame yourself if they don't get it. Life is what you choose to make it. Everyone has free choice. This camping trip could be described accurately as cold and wet or awesomely beautiful and beyond words inspiring. Just as it is your right to make your choices so it is with others. It is not your concern what others decided to make of their lives. That's between themselves and Creator. If people with whom you think you are connected turn away, do not worry. When one door is shut another opens. The myths span human history and can play out in a wide variety or ways and with a wide variety of individuals. You are but dust in the wind, nothing more except that of God.
Stop denying me - everything, everything is possible where love is concerned.
"Nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war no more". When shall this occur? It will happen when leaders or everyone else understand that 1+1=1. This is why war, racism, homelessness, all oppression, all man make trouble makes no sense. 1+1=1. There is none else.
You don't believe me? Test it. You go up; travel higher and higher and then you will know. Study the sacred texts, learn from those who have gone before, do good deeds it will bring you to the place of understanding. 1+1=1
Enjoy the world and all of its diverse splendor. Its there for you. You are loved by an unending love.
1+1=1, 1+1+1+1+1+1+1...=1 - God is love, that's all it is about. All earth bound love is just a tiny, tiny spark of this infinite source. It is our job to bring this, to manifest it in the world. - Love - Some people get confused. They think that if they love someone other then their spouse they are being unfaithful. But, adultery is about lust not love. Its about dishonoring a pledge. Lust (which includes hunger for many things in the material world, things other then of the spirit) and love are as different as the light is from the darkness. Since all real love is a spark of the eternal love, all expressions of this love strengthens the essential bonds between married people. There is a theological question, "if a man's wife dies and he marries another to which is he bonded in the world to come"? That pure spark of love that he has for both, that both have for him is the only pure reflection. (1+1)+(1+1) still equals 1. These sparks unite with all the others carried by the soul into infinite oneness. When souls unite in this place, whether in this world or the world to come, they are all fulfilled. All expressions of divine love is acceptable. Denial is not. Do not be fooled by lust or obligation, distrust or disillusionment or the times you have been hurt. Rather look to where the light is shinning. There you will find that for which your soul is really yearning. There you will find yourself centered and joined with pure love and peace.
We move through our lives like a body through the woods on a sunny day. Sometimes we pass through shadow of the trees sometime into the light of the sun. Even when we stand in one place the wind can cast upon us shadows from the leaves or blow them to the side to admit the light. It is all for the good. We move in and out until we find our place of rest. There I come into a grove of light that is so beyond the brightness of the sun that when I close my eyes it is too strong and I have to open them again lest I go blind.
What does it profit you to live a life according to what other people say is the law of God if in doing so you turn away from the Truth God is speaking to your own heart. In the end you will see that there is no contradiction. We have all the knowledge we need. 1+1+1=1. Understand this and "you shall be holy because I am holy".
I left home saying the camping trip was going to be an adventure and so it was. Just so I left the trip thinking that is true of life as well. It is all one big adventure.
Reflections from the mountain:
"You shall be holy because I am holy". It says "shall" - future tense, not past or present and it is a command, a requirement. Although that essence of holiness is really who we are each and every moment, how do we manifest this in everyday reality? What can we do to make this truly and exclusively present in our lives - in who we are and in what we see? How do we do this not just for the moments we find to pray but hold holiness, an inner sense of total bliss, within and around us and have all our actions conform to this state of grace; to be truly holy people? Biblically it was through sacrifice; in Hebrew, korban. Korban means to draw close. As we go through our everyday lives we make choices. Most choices are sacrifices, one path is sacrificed for the other. Are these choices for our personal benefit? Are they to make our lives easier? Are they for societal norms? Or are they in order for us to draw close to God? It is your choice whether to stay in the place of centered, calm peace; to feel simply a part of the God's oneness and love and happiness to stay in holiness or let the currents of trouble and distress carry you away.
All wisdom has already been given - over and over and over again. There is nothing new to be imparted. The highest form of wisdom is all around. Stop, look and listen. Open the mind to it and it will flood in. Open the heart to it and be embraced by God.
Why make it so complicated? It is as simple as one plus one equals one.
Each of us has a purpose a destiny. We have a myth that is our job to make right and whole; to mend. In this way we meld ourself to God and God's plan. There are no coincidences. It's right in front of us, plain as day the task for each of us, the other people with whom we are connected in the story of our soul. Time is fleeting, our beloved awaits. How can you turn away and think holiness infinite happiness is not for you? Do not deny the love in your heart, the love of your life, the love of your soul.
Do not be over concerned about people who can't hear or see. Bring them along as best as you can but do not blame yourself if they don't get it. Life is what you choose to make it. Everyone has free choice. This camping trip could be described accurately as cold and wet or awesomely beautiful and beyond words inspiring. Just as it is your right to make your choices so it is with others. It is not your concern what others decided to make of their lives. That's between themselves and Creator. If people with whom you think you are connected turn away, do not worry. When one door is shut another opens. The myths span human history and can play out in a wide variety or ways and with a wide variety of individuals. You are but dust in the wind, nothing more except that of God.
Stop denying me - everything, everything is possible where love is concerned.
"Nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war no more". When shall this occur? It will happen when leaders or everyone else understand that 1+1=1. This is why war, racism, homelessness, all oppression, all man make trouble makes no sense. 1+1=1. There is none else.
You don't believe me? Test it. You go up; travel higher and higher and then you will know. Study the sacred texts, learn from those who have gone before, do good deeds it will bring you to the place of understanding. 1+1=1
Enjoy the world and all of its diverse splendor. Its there for you. You are loved by an unending love.
1+1=1, 1+1+1+1+1+1+1...=1 - God is love, that's all it is about. All earth bound love is just a tiny, tiny spark of this infinite source. It is our job to bring this, to manifest it in the world. - Love - Some people get confused. They think that if they love someone other then their spouse they are being unfaithful. But, adultery is about lust not love. Its about dishonoring a pledge. Lust (which includes hunger for many things in the material world, things other then of the spirit) and love are as different as the light is from the darkness. Since all real love is a spark of the eternal love, all expressions of this love strengthens the essential bonds between married people. There is a theological question, "if a man's wife dies and he marries another to which is he bonded in the world to come"? That pure spark of love that he has for both, that both have for him is the only pure reflection. (1+1)+(1+1) still equals 1. These sparks unite with all the others carried by the soul into infinite oneness. When souls unite in this place, whether in this world or the world to come, they are all fulfilled. All expressions of divine love is acceptable. Denial is not. Do not be fooled by lust or obligation, distrust or disillusionment or the times you have been hurt. Rather look to where the light is shinning. There you will find that for which your soul is really yearning. There you will find yourself centered and joined with pure love and peace.
We move through our lives like a body through the woods on a sunny day. Sometimes we pass through shadow of the trees sometime into the light of the sun. Even when we stand in one place the wind can cast upon us shadows from the leaves or blow them to the side to admit the light. It is all for the good. We move in and out until we find our place of rest. There I come into a grove of light that is so beyond the brightness of the sun that when I close my eyes it is too strong and I have to open them again lest I go blind.
What does it profit you to live a life according to what other people say is the law of God if in doing so you turn away from the Truth God is speaking to your own heart. In the end you will see that there is no contradiction. We have all the knowledge we need. 1+1+1=1. Understand this and "you shall be holy because I am holy".
I left home saying the camping trip was going to be an adventure and so it was. Just so I left the trip thinking that is true of life as well. It is all one big adventure.
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