
Worship 4/13/08

"A few weeks ago I went to the dentist for some rather extensive work and was given nitrous oxide. In the experience I sensed the vibration of life energy force. Humans I found operate at a very hight level, trees very, very slow; like an "eeee" as opposed to a "w-a-h, w-a-h. w-a-h". I felt that this place of vibration was one of the key spaces where we can connect our true selves with all of creation and the divine essence. At committee day in New Hampshire yesterday I found that the high level was increased to an extreme frenetic level. We were all so committed, wanting so much to help with the repair of the world, tikkun olam. One of the models that was put forward was Gandhi yet we also learned that he had seriously abused his wife and daughter and I realized that even the best of us, we are all so human; with incredible wonderfulness and serious flaws. That our humanness is something that we should not only try to understand in a spirit of forgiveness and acceptance but also find amusement and delight in all our quirkiness.
Committee day was gorgeous with bright sun and clouds so afterwards for about 3 hours I went to hike on Mt. Monadnock, oh my goodness! The ranger said the snow was half way up the calf in places and the rest was free flowing water melt. But I found it quite passable and beyond belief beautiful. After the wonderful high energy, it gave my life balance all that beauty and slow, low vibration. It was an awesome experience in the true sense of that word.
I again thought about the dentist experience and another thing that came from that was a prayer. "Oh God, all of us human beings are trying so very, very hard. Please, please have compassion." I realize that not only do we need this from God but I and we need to cultivate that compassion in our own hearts. We are all fabulous and flawed. Finding this compassion I and we can get to that place of balance, of beauty and peace. We can connect with the eternal Spirit of pure love and know that Light within. For over an hour on my trip back to the Cape I followed a rainbow and I know for certain that ultimately all is well."

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