It’s About LOVE
This time … — it actually could be all about love.
The 1st title of this message was "we need to come together". The second title was “ it’s the end of the world as we know it.” But what if actually this time could have a purpose? Could it be all about a new, real, palpable way to manifest spiritual awakening, learning at our own individual pace to be ever present and lean into pure, potent, unambiguous, unconditional Love.
Yes we need to come together. Everyone is saying this is a time to do something extra to care for each other and at the same time saying we must stay apart, keep our distance. Together and apart, it is a logical paradox on both the physical and spiritual level and one with profound implications for the oppressor and those oppressed. In a recent mid-night awakening I had an experience of this paradox. Profound love and gratitude engulfed me, not for anyone in particular and not for any thing or place. Peace and a sense of connection filled my mind and heart. While this experience is familiar to me and many, maybe most people experience it at one time or another; (as a child being in a warm sunny field brushing the the tall grass with the palm of one’s hand feeling time and space seems to stand still,) there was something different about this particular experience. Everything that got in the way, all injustice disappeared and there was a newer depth, power and realness to this love, the truth of which gave it a different perspective, powerful enough to invoke tears.
This experience seemed to relate to the following day's Talmud reading “A threshold serves two domains: When the entrance is open, the threshold is subsumed within the house and it is considered to be a private domain like the inside of the house. And when the entrance is locked, the threshold is not subsumed within the house, and it is considered to be a public domain like the outside.” (Tractate Shabbat 9:A ) It felt as if a door that I hadn’t recognized suddenly became unlocked, that something profound is changing. Could it be a global personal systemic realignment?
Then a feeling came like using a telescope where distant objects appear closer and magnified. It felt like my individual soul was directly connected with particular people, not simply within the mass of Divine Light, or the amorphic soft feeling of togetherness but instead a sort of clairvoyance. It felt like we were really together in the same space sharing the same sense of profound love, an experience of that paradox of being together but also apart, feeling each other's heart and mind. Like we were meeting in this place that is devoid of injustice, so full of love, so full of gratitude, so full of depth and light and strong joy; more fun than the ultimate, best amusement park, like souls cuddling together.
The 1st person I experienced the usual sort of feeling of psychic connection was throughout my childhood with my brother. As we were often separated, often for months at a time, we had an uncanny way of knowing, feeling each others presence across the great divide of space. As an adult this manifested in something many people experience, thoughts and feelings precipitate a phone call where both share that they were just thinking of each other. Even though he’s been dead for almost 20 years, the connection to him and others who have passed on can still happen upon occasion and I wonder if it’s real. Is this a blurring between life and death, a door that can be opened, a never-ending connection to that which is eternal?
Sometimes it's hard to tune into the right wave length. I get distracted. The pain of racism overwhelms me yet urges me on to try and make a difference. Sometimes it’s my ego that raises its gnarly head that interferes. Mostly though, it’s just life’s agenda needing attention which muffles the connection. But now knowing that place of connection is real, that it can be accessed when my prayers are the right resonance, that I and others can really, concretely connect with people in a space beyond words, could this be part of a whole new consciousness?
In a matter of days our world has been turned upside down. The world as we have know it has ended. As this going on for month after month, potentially for a year or more, some things will never be able to fully go back to where they were. The rest we do not know except that right now is a time to be a palm tree that can be blown back and forth in the wind, not an oak tree that is strong and fine until the hurricane hits. Maybe among the bad there is some good, no one can predict the future. Is this time a curse or a blessing? Is this an opportunity to kindle and develop a sort of telepathic ability that joins us into a web of love?
With all the great anxiety and fear, connecting with each other through a phone call, through Facebook or a meeting through Zoom is great but there is also another genuine way. We can choose to let go of all that which keeps us separate and join together in that place where I have traveled. I know it is real. Don’t loose hope. We can see this as a new, radically beautiful beginning, an exciting a wonder filled adventure toward a place of true freedom, perfect unconditional love, inner oneness and ultimate peace.
I end by saying how deeply and truly grateful I am for all who occupy this space, this time, this oneness, those who connect our mythic selves and perhaps open the door to an offerings of the ultimate tree of life.
with Love, Gratitude and prayers for Health,
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